Yukon Bear Hunting
Directory of 2 Yukon Bear lodges, guides and outfitters in Yukon.

Grizzly hunting is always an exciting challenge. It is common to see signs of these mountain bears throughout our area. The Yukon Government and Blackstone Outfitters have put together an excellent bear management system that helps ensure a good population. We have interior mountain grizzlies, with an average bear squaring 7 feet. Over the years we have taken several over 8 feet. Our grizzlies are generally taken on a spot and stalk hunt, which works well with the open terrain in our area. This gives the guide and hunter plenty of time to judge the quality and sex of the bear. Bears are sometimes hunted on existing carcasses of other game as well. Good bears have been taken in horseback, backpack and river float methods of hunting.
Learn more about Blackstone Outfitters

You may have an excellent chance at harvesting a grizzly bear and black bear along the rivers, lakes and on our high mountain horseback hunts. Bears are active throughout our moose, sheep and caribou seasons, giving you optimal opportunities to harvest one of the of our most powerful northern land mammals.
Learn more about MacMillan River Adventures