Ontario Bear Hunting
Directory of 13 Ontario Bear lodges, guides and outfitters in Ontario.

Our Ontario Bear Hunting area is 1.2 million acres where we run over 90 bait stations, to ensure a quality personal second to no one opportunity at that Pope and Young or Boone and Crocket Record. Over the past 10 years, we have taken over 56 Pope and Young record book bears.
Learn more about Black Bear Adventures

We lease approximately 80,000 acres for the use of our bear hunters, and only our bear hunters. No other outfitters or private hunters are allowed to hunt these areas. This acreage consists of two areas. One is the primitive weapons area, designated so by the government, and is for Muzzleloader and Archery only. The second area can be used for either High Power or Primitive weapons so a party can hunt together using either system.
Learn more about Crawford's Camp

High population of bear in the area. You will experience close to 100% success rate with our hunt! Average size of bear is in the 200lbs range. Not uncommon to see as many as 3-7 bears in a days hunt. We are fortunate to have (2) Bear Management area’s to hunt Fixed Ladder stands set for bow range are supplied. Rifle, compound bow, traditional bow, cross bow, shot gun and muzzle loader are all legal weapons of the bear hunt. Lodging, bear guide, stands, boat & gas for bear hunt and game care are included in package bear hunt. This is a 5-6 day hunt.
Learn more about First Nation Guides

Chapleau is called the Black Bear Capital of Canada and for good reason. The area's terrain supplies our bears with enough food to proliferate in great numbers and get big. Logging in the area has opened up new grasslands where berry bushes grow and allow small game to increase in numbers. This combined with all the lakes and streams has produced a large population of big Black Bears. On top of all this is the close proximity of the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve, which is the biggest game preserve in the world. No hunting is allowed on the preserve but the bears leave the preserve and wonder into our BMA.
Learn more about Four Seasons Guiding

We offer fall black bear hunts, with three separate hunting areas for Lac Seul Lodge hunters only. Archery or Rifle
Learn more about Lac Seul Lodge

Offering some of the best Black Bear Hunting opportunities in Ontario is a family tradition handing down to Dave and Ian from their father and grandfather. Inheriting supreme knowledge of Black Bear behavior including their feeding habits, patrolling patterns and territorial domination tactics means placing baited tree stands at the most strategic areas that will produce big old male bruins. It's not just the facilitation of the bear hunt that's important; hunters have to be at the top of their game.
Learn more about North Superior Charter & Outfitters

We are lucky to be located in Foleyet, Ontario, which is part of James Bay Frontier and in the heart of the very best Black Bear Hunting in the world. Let our experienced guides and staff provide you with friendly hospitality and an unforgettable opportunity to fulfill your dreams of Trophy Black Bear hunting in our exclusive 1250 square mile Black Bear hunting management area.
Learn more about Red Pine Lodge

Please inquire we are waiting to see if the spring bear hunt is reinstated
Learn more about Smith Camps

Archery hunt open in mid sept. for bucks -- bear opens aug 15 large unhunted bear area--- fall archery deer hunt is 1600 --- this includes lodging baited stands active baits where the big bucks are, do your own cooking hunt when you want , come to main base to hang/process deer and clean up have supper here then back at it again if need be also trailers/on private land with boat/motor for fishing with nice beach also -----bring your own stand /food or buy here includes check ins baiting, this is a great chance for the money opens mid sept. so call me if interested
Learn more about Swamper's Guiding & Outposts

The bear hunt consists of mainly stand hunting with bait. We will pre-bait for approximately two weeks prior to your arrival. depending on the party size, we generally keep 2-3 stands active per hunter for the duration of your stay. It is quite common to see multiple bears during a single morning or evening sitting period. You will generally have the best luck during the morning or evening, so we suggest three to 4 hours of sititng time during these times.
Learn more about The Outpost Company & Halley's Camps

WFO Bear Hunt has been in business for nearly 30 years and has grown a reputation of producing QUALITY as well as QUANTITY of bears for our clients. We offer multiple baited sites for each hunter as well as pre-installed ladder stands at what we consider to be the very best and most active baits. We also offer advice on stand set-up if you choose to bring your own "favorite" stand. WFO will assist in the tracking/retrieval of your trophy as well as skinning and caring for your cape. Your typical 6 day hunt will usually begin on a Saturday and end on the following Thursday afternoon.
Learn more about WFO Outfitters

As the premier outfitter for eastern ontario, we offer quality bear deer and turkey hunts our professional guides will assist you with your hunt, tracking, field dressing and butchering we are perfectly suited to create the style of hunt you desire. Whether it be field or forest, with over 2500 private acres, baited stands and blinds. We offer accessible hunting for those with ambulatory issues as well. We have accommodations and even offer American plans for those who wish a more leisurely hunt. Please call early in the season to reserve to avoid disappointment.
Learn more about Whytetail Outfitters

Black bear hunting is an annual tradition at Woman River Camp. Our remote location and exclusive Black Bear Management Area offers the hunter every opportunity for a successful hunt. The Boreal forest encompassing our vast hunting area consists of just the right balance of old and new growth forest. Providing our healthy bear population with excellent shelter, safe den sites, escape cover, and incredible berry crops which are essential for producing trophy bears.
Learn more about Woman River Camp