Paul Brand's Alaska Safari Unlimited
Our vessel based Coastal Black Bear Hunt is by far our most popular for many reasons. First, our guide area boasts the highest concentration of black bears on earth. Hunters see an average of 30 to 60 black bears on a six day hunt. These bears are large as well as plentiful. Our average is between six feet eight inches to over seven feet. These hunts are as close to 100% success as they come. An added bonus to this amazing hunt is the fishing! Hunters have the opportunity to catch several species of fish including halibut. Alaska Safari Unlimited is now excited to offer Private Land Brown Bear hunts on the Alaskan Peninsula. These hunts will be ran in conjunction with Master Guide Bud Willard in this private area. Hunters have averaged 80 percent on bears averaging nine foot over the past eight years. Some bears even breaking the ten foot mark.