Driftwood Valley Outfitters
Driftwood Valley Outfitters
Michael Schneider
Box 403
Prince George, BC V2L 4S2
Contact Info:
Phone: (250) 964-0511 In Season: (403) 987-0264
The season opens September 6th and we can stalk grizzly bears until September 26th successfully. This river is packed with Chinook, or as some call them, "king salmon". Grizzlies love fish, but this is one species that they cannot refuse. There are about 15,000 to 20,000 fish in the Bear River splashing and fighting for the best spawning grounds. Spring black bear hunting starts in mid May and runs until the end of June, when the bear's coats are in prime condition. The bears range in size from 6' to 7 ½’. Losing up to 1/3 of their body weight over the winter, these bears can still weigh as much as 400 lbs. Success on the spring bear hunts is typically 100%. The hunts from our Babine Lake camp also offer fantastic fishing at this time of year for big rainbow and lake trout.